Recent Machine Upgrade at Pan Pac Otago

As part of a continuous improvement programme, Pan Pac Otago recently installed an Iseli KHF100 circular saw side grinder into the Milburn site sawshop. The KHF100 replaced an older North American machine that had worked well on site for many years but had reached its end of serviceable life.
Both Pan Pac’s sites have an array of Iseli equipment already, so the decision was made to replace the existing side grinder with an Iseli KHF100 Fully automatic 6 axis CNC machine. The KHF100 is designed for fully automatic grinding of the side angles on Carbide/Stellite tipped circular saws, and features space saving machine design that allows for high ergonomics and excellent usability, as well as ease of access to the electrical cabinet, coolant pump, pneumatics and fire suppression system.
Other notable features are:
- automatic adjustment of all common angles
- automatic detection of the tooth pitch with built in sensor technology on the feed finger
- the ability for the positioned tooth to be finished in several passes (saw finish ground in one rotation)
- high flow capacity oil coolant
- automatic CO2 fire detection and supression system.
The machine is controlled via a 15.1 inch colour touch screen with Windows-based interface for fast saw parameter loading and has unlimited program storage.
The grinder was installed in November 2023 and commisioning and training was completed by Regan Eisenhut from Thode Knife & Saw Rotorua.
Thode Knife & Saw would like thank the team at Pan Pac Otago for choosing the Iseli machine and the help given to Regan while commisioning and training.
For any further information regarding the range of Iseli Sawshop/ Filing room equipment contact your Thode sales rep.